The Significance of Quality Higher Education for Sustainable Growth and Development in Africa: The Case of Ethiopia Context
This paper examines the role of quality higher education for sustainable growth and development for African countries including Ethiopia. In providing access to quality higher education in Africa, using the Ethiopian context as a case study. It draws on Higher Education for Sustainable Development (HEfSD) is being significantly shaped by the global sustainability agenda, and it further explores the potential of higher education program delivery system in an Ethiopian context. In addition, the study explores the policy of the conventional higher education. Two instruments were used to gather relevant data, namely: interviews and document analysis. Three quality indicators used, coherence, efficiency and impact of higher education, were used as tools of analysis.
This article is divided into three sections which explore three key linked aspects of the importance of higher education.
1) Higher education.
2) Its access and Quality.
3) Concept of the Sustainable development of African countries, including Ethiopia.
The author of this article develops a powerful framework for quality higher education and its essentials for growth and development, and seek to apply this in to various developing countries for sustainable growth and development in a range of international settings. In so doing to make an important connection between theoretical frameworks of the above practical elements. Given the constraint of different segment of the development integration, the finding of this study highlighted the importance of higher education in developing countries including Ethiopia, for fulfilling’s sustainable development agenda of the country.Full Text:
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Copyright (c) 2020 Melese Mekasha Woldeyes
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