The Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention among Bank Employees in Lebanon

Lena Saleh, Hussein Ibrahim


Despite of measuring the impact of feasibility and desirability separately or jointly on entrepreneurial intention by different scholars; the intention among employees was not measured in Lebanon before and the international studies are almost limited to turnover intention and its impact on the organizations, to job satisfaction and its impact on counterproductive work behavior of employees. Our research aims to exploit the impact of the feasibility, desirability and creativity on the entrepreneurial intention within a new context. Employees’ entrepreneurial intention may be affected by different factors. Entrepreneurial intention is found to determine employees’ willingness to engage into entrepreneurial behavior in future instead of being employed. The main objective of this study is to understand how perceived desirability, perceived feasibility and creativity affect entrepreneurial intention of bank employees. The primary data of this study was gathered by distributing 101 survey questionnaires to respondents at a prime bank in Lebanon. The Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability test which can ensure high reliability result was conducted on every variable. Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis were conducted in this study to observe independent variables (i.e., desirability, feasibility & creativity). All variables have significant relationship with entrepreneurial intention.

The discussion of the findings, implications of study, limitations and recommendations for future research are discussed in the end of the study.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Lena Saleh, Hussein Ibrahim

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