Latin America and the Cop21 Agreement: A Most Severe Implementation Problematic

Jan-Erik Lane


As the Latin American countries have hardly started developing implementation strategies of the agreed upon COP21 objectives, their situation should be more researched. The CO2:s are really high in 2 countries but medium in all the others; Mexico and Brazil that face enormous difficulties with global warming. Thus, the dominant energy reliance remains much fixed upon oil and natural gas, but with some third component like hydro, geothermal or biomass power. Hydro power is used much but it presents a risk as it requires lots of water, which further global warming may deny—look at Venezuela today. Brazil’s plans for 30 new dams in the Amazons together with ongoing logging and new agriculture will destroy the rain forest period Major investments in wind, solar, geo-thermal power or/and nuclear power are called for, besides the plenty biomass and hydro power. But to make a great energy transformation towards renewables and atomic power, the Latin American countries need massive assistance from the promised Super Fund. Only Uruguay has come far with the changes towards renewables, producing electricity with 100% renewables, including wind power.

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