Level of Knowledge of Building Occupants on Dampness in Walls of Residential Buildings in Ghana
This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey of inhabitants of 5,800 buildings in four climatic zones in Ghana which sought to assess and document the level of knowledge of these inhabitants on the problem of dampness in walls of buildings. A quantitative approach to data analysis was employed, using percentages and mean score rankings of the factors studied. The results showed some existence of knowledge on the problem of dampness among the building occupants. The results also showed that dampness is often seen on the walls of residential buildings in Ghana and its level of appearance varied from one climatic zone to the other. The symptoms associated with damp walls are ‘surface efflorescence just above skirting/floor’, ‘dampness at the base of walls up to 1.5m in horizontal band’, ‘stains, especially in horizontal band, noticeably damp in humid conditions’ and ‘mold growth (on cold surfaces, windows, etc.)’. The findings from this study should create an awareness of how dampness as a problem is on the rise in Ghanaian residential buildings and this should lead to collective responsibility of all stakeholders to find solutions to the problem.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/mmse.v1n2p171
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