The Party Building and the Integration of Agriculture and Tourism Help the Rural Revitalization of Ganzi Prefecture—Take Shawan Village of Liba Town as an Example

Hairui Ma, Zhengting Xue


Rural revitalization is an important task to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the implementation of rural revitalization strategy is the general starting point of the work of “three rural areas” in the new era. To explore the party building guidance and the integration of agriculture and tourism under the vision of rural revitalization can promote the realization of rural revitalization. In the process of investigation, it is found that there are some problems such as unreasonable organizational structure and low degree of integration of party building and agriculture and tourism in Ganzi Prefecture. In order to solve these practical dilemmas and realize the rural revitalization, it adds “thickness” to the rural revitalization of Ganzi Prefecture by strengthening the organizational capacity hub continuously. It is deeply integrated with the “global park”, extends the “breadth” and deeply integrates with the “natural ecology” for the rural revitalization of Ganzi Prefecture, increases the “brightness” for the rural revitalization of Ganzi Prefecture, and takes the road of rural revitalization well.

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