Initiatives of Knowledge Management in Brazilian Chamber of Deputies

Roberto Campos da Rocha Miranda, Nilson Rodrigues de Assis


This paper aims to enlighten the complexity of Knowledge Management (KM) in public organizations in Brazil, particularly in Legislative Institutions. A mainly theoretical approach was considered to show an overview of KM in Brazilian Chamber of Deputies (CD). Besides the documentary and bibliographical research, results of an empirical research with senior managers in the Institution are presented as well as analysis of the KM experience considering a Strategic Knowledge Management (SKM) approach. The motivation to for this study lays on the opportunity to discuss how KM can be better used in a public organization, as well as to indicate tendencies and defies sharing knowledge in parliamentary context. Preliminarily, as far as the Brazilian CD is concerned, results point that we are far away from real and effective KM , and there are just some no integrated initiatives in course.

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