On Metaeconomic Consensus in Global Management

Antanas Buracas


The paper review the metaeconomic approaches in global management (MGM) which include social criteria and tasks arranged into consecutive conceptual system with account of changing normative (or minimax) functions and multicriteria approach detailing admitted hierarchies of those preferences. The systemic taxonomy of the MGM and its structurization are reviewed and conceptualized. The ranking of priorities in the multipurpose economic modelling of social preferences presupposes the weighed comparability of criteria functions on the qualitatively different levels-determining the alternatives of optimization, also multicriteria dynamic equilibrium and the preferable managerial strategies. The stochastic network modelling of universal sustainability for country’s economic development, disposable resources’ allocation a/o characteristics of complex adaptive systems can be recommended as a productive approach to intellectual management practice. The development of MGM would be more effective with more wide integration of multicriteria approaches, also more sophisticated statistical evaluations of intellectual potential in competitive management. The analytical review of the MGM revealed its significance at the stages of formulating the aim hierarchies, or choosing the optimization criteria, the restrictions on preferences and taxonomy of sustainable development.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/rem.v1n1p15


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