A Model for Sustainable Water Supply in Rural Communities: The Case of Ekondo-Titi, Cameroon

Jude Ndzifon Kimengsi, Amawa Sani Gur, Akhere Solange Gwan


One would have expected that Ekondo-Titi which has the rare luxury of benefiting from the radial drainage pattern of the Rumpi Hills (which serves as the main catchment in Ndian Division) would be self-sufficient in terms of water quality and quantity. This community is rather greeted with water scarcity which is partly blamed on the failure to initiate and sustain water supply schemes. Forest destruction in favor of oil palm plantations by Pamol and small holder schemes have contributed to degrade the major water catchments thereby increasing stream erosion and siltation. This has altered the flow characteristics of streams. This paper proposes a model for sustainable water supply by indicating the opportunities that exist for internal and external actors to galvanise their resources to ensure adequate water supply in this fast developing rural community. It was observed that a major setback in the attainment of this goal remains the insufficient resources (material and financial) and the absence of a synergy among the key actors of Ekondo-Titi. The model recommends the strengthening of stakeholder synergy and where necessary, further support from external actors in the process of initiating and sustaining water development projects.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/se.v3n1p46


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Copyright (c) 2018 Jude Ndzifon Kimengsi, Amawa Sani Gur, Akhere Solange Gwan

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