Acid Mine Water Neutralisation Analysis Using CaO and Fly Ash at PT. Alamjaya Bara Pratama Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan Province

Ika Tri Novianti Siregar, Edy Nursanto, Dyah Probowati


The handling of Acid Mine Water done at PT. Alamjaya Bara Pratama utilizes Cao and from prior research, fly ash is used as an adsorbent in neutralising Acid Mine Water. Hence the resarcher conducted the research to compare the effectiveness of Cao and fly ash in neutralising Acid Mine Water. The usage of CaO nd fly ash uses a laboratorium scale with 1000ml of Acid Mine Water, a CaO mass variation of 0,4, 0,5 and 0,6 gram whereas with a fly ash mass variation of 50, 55 and 60 gram and a stirring speed of 50 and 100 rpm. Results shows that the addition of CaO and fly ash and stirring speed increases the pH and reduces the content of Fe and Mn. The adsorbtion of the metals Fe and Mn by CaO and coal fly ash can occurs as most CaO contains the mineral compund Epistilbite (CaAl2Si6O16.5H2O), before conducting the experiment it shows that most of the fly ash contains the mineral compund Quartz (SiO2) and mullite (Al6Si2O13). Silica and Alumina has a polar side with an active hydroxyl group (-OH) which acts in the adsorbtion process between heavy metals and adsorbents in a solution containing water.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Ika Tri Novianti Siregar, Edy Nursanto, Dyah Probowati

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Copyright © SCHOLINK INC.  ISSN 2470-637X (Print)  ISSN 2470-6388 (Online)