Variation in Species Diversity of Epilithic Bryophytes Along the Karst Rocky Desertification Gradient

Chen Dong


Karst rocky desertification is a distinctive landscape formed by the exposure of rock surfaces, where epilithic bryophytes dominate the plant communities. Despite their prevalence, these mosses have received relatively little attention, and the species diversity of lithophilous mosses remains inadequately understood. In this study, we conducted field collections and laboratory identifications of epilithic bryophytes across various karst habitats exhibiting different levels of rocky desertification, aiming to elucidate the patterns of species diversity within these environments. Our findings reveal a total of 47 moss species, belonging to 11 families and 28 genera, with species distribution patterns as follows: PRD (22 species) > MRD (18 species) > SRD (14 species) > NRD (12 species) > LRD (11 species). Notably, the PRD and MRD habitats harbor the highest number of endemic species, each with 8 endemic species, while the other three habitats each contain 5 endemic species. Among these, Eurohypnum leptothallum is a common species across all habitats and represents a dominant species in the karst region. Four distinct moss growth forms were identified in the study area, with proportions as follows: Wefts (75%) > Turfs (15%) > Pentants (8%) > Cushion (2%). The Wefts growth form is ubiquitous across all habitats and is the most prevalent, whereas the proportion of Pendants increases along the rocky desertification gradient, showing a higher degree of adaptation to more severely desertified environments. The α-diversity indices (richness index (R), Simpson index (D), Pielou index (E), and Shannon-Wiener index (H)) exhibit an "M"-shaped distribution along the desertification gradient, indicating the selective effects of desertification processes and the dynamic changes in species over time. The β-diversity index further suggests low species similarity between different habitats, with the similarity index (Cs) between NRD and SRD habitats being as low as 0.08, signifying substantial shifts in species composition. These results provide valuable insights into the changes in species diversity of lithophilous mosses along the rocky desertification gradient and enhance our understanding of the moss species diversity in karst rocky desertification areas.

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Copyright © SCHOLINK INC.  ISSN 2470-637X (Print)  ISSN 2470-6388 (Online)