New Literary Genres—An Insight in the Creativity Optimization

PhD student Coculiana ACAR


The theory of literary genres, developed from antiquity to the present day, has been differently approached, more or less convincingly. The philosophical insight of the genders definition appears at Hegel, A.W. Schlegel, Schelling, each of them trying to follow the particularities of each genre depending on the way to report consciousness to reality and to the issue of the time taken as a reference. In the following, we are going to refer to the value and utility of genres for the cultural and social history of humanity, by stopping to the genres characteristic to the postmodern era. In this regard, we intend to follow the impact of the digital epistolary in the context of the media globalization, the advantages and disadvantages of the technological progress, the changes in form and content suffered by the “letter” sequence to this evolution.

Another genre that comes to our attention is the comic magazine that can appear to some as an insignificant object, a part of a communist world, invoked in the news debates, only. The original mobility of the comics is situated in its very nature at the intersection of visual and narrative, which gives it the chance to weave bridges over the fields of the folk culture and literature. This may illustrate an alternative, from a cultural insight, where the aesthetic and sociological values coexist. The comics are intellectual challenges for different categories of readers through the new postmodern setting of the values expressed by text and image.

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