The Effect of Service Quality and Facilities against Satisfaction of Patients at Dental and Mouth Hospital Gusti Hasan Aman on Banjarmasin

Ibrahim Daud, Dhelia -


Human needs are unlimited and continue to evolve with the times, in this modern era people are not only focused on the hierarchical needs (hierarchy needs) but also the need for health services. Health services can be obtained by the community through hospitals, polyclinics, community health centers (puskesmas) and family doctors. This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality (X1) and facilities (X2) on patient satisfaction (Y) in RSGM-GHA. The study was conducted on 4,988 patients who came for treatment at RSGM-GHA and 100 patients were taken as samples. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression statistical analysis with the help of the SPSS program. The results showed that the variable services quality and facilities provided by the Gt. Hasan Aman to patient gives satisfaction with t test value: service quality (X1) of 0.679 with a significant 0.499> 0.05 and t-count is smaller than t table 0.679 <1.988 which means that there is no influence. While facilities (X2) of 13,242> 1,988 with a significant level of 0.00 showed a significant effect on patient satisfaction. F-test or simultaneous test shows that together service quality variables (X1) and Facility variables (X2) influence with a value of 215,812 significance level of 0,000 and R square value of 0.817 which means that both variables are very strong influence by 81.7 percent.

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