To What Extent Is the Security Dilemma an Inescapable Feature of International Security?

Qingyi Meng, Haiyi Zhang


This essay attempts to explore to what extent the security dilemma is an inescapable feature of international security. The three main schools of thought in international relations theory offer different perspectives on this issue. Realism asserts that the security dilemma is entirely inescapable. Liberalism, on the other hand, acknowledges its inescapability but argues that it can be mitigated through international cooperation mechanisms. Constructivism takes a different approach, suggesting that the constructed “security dilemma” can be fundamentally overcome by changing interactive behaviors. While liberalism and constructivism challenge realism’s conclusion, neither perspective can successfully refute the notion that the security dilemma is an inherent feature of international security. Liberalism is more applicable to economic matters and lacks explanatory power in the realm of international security, while constructivism tends to be overly idealistic and lacks the ability to effectively address real-world problems.

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