The Reform and Innovation of Combining College Student Management and Ideological and Political Education

Hong Gong


The amalgamation of civic and political education is the key to successful student management in colleges and universities, and its integration can bolster the management of students in these institutions. Instill ideological and political education in colleges and universities, thereby advancing both the physical and mental wellbeing of students. The amalgamation of professional and ideological/political knowledge can be augmented by it, thus augmenting students’ understanding of ideology and politics, and ultimately augmenting the ideological awareness of college students. The successful implementation of the aforementioned material necessitates the combined efforts of college instructors and scholars, aided by science and technology. Realizing the successful amalgamation of student administration and ideological instruction in universities and colleges. An examination of the correlation between student administration and ideological instruction in colleges and universities is the initial focus of the article, and the integration of these two elements is then evaluated for its worth. Analyzing student management and ideological education, strategies for cultivating students’ consciousness, and innovating teaching mode are then proposed to address existing issues. Enhancing the situation.

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