Research on the Development of Shaanxi Red Culture under the View of Metacosmos
The year 2021 is known as the Year of the Metaverse. Culture entering the meta-universe is an inevitable trend of the times. Based on the meta-universe technology, the commercializability, concrete visualization, and unification of ubiquity and immersion of Shaanxi red culture are conducive to the enhancement of Shaanxi’s local cultural discovery ability and cultural self-confidence. First, to understand the general situation of Shaanxi red culture in terms of spatial and temporal distribution, quantity, and characteristics of the era. Second, to analyze the inevitability of the meta-universe embedded in the development of Shaanxi red culture. Finally, analyze the path of the meta-universe embedded in the development of Shaanxi’s red culture. Among them, the “inner cycle” mechanism includes the process of cultural resources placement, use, feedback and reinforcement, the “inter-cycle” mechanism includes the construction of meta-universe cultural communities within the province and the construction of meta-universe cultural communities within the country, and the “virtual-real cycle” mechanism includes the general situation of the meta-universe embedded in Shaanxi’s red culture development, such as the number of spatial and temporal characteristics. The mechanism of “virtual-real cycle” includes the logical process of digital twinning, virtual-real integration, virtual originality and virtual reality.
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