“Ren” and Spatial Design in Ancient Chinese Architecture: A Discussion from the Perspective of Confucian Aesthetic Concepts
This paper adopts the unique perspective of Confucian aesthetic principles to investigate their profound impact on the interrelationship between “Ren” (benevolence) and spatial design in classical Chinese architecture. Drawing upon core Confucian concepts such as “Ren”, “Tian Ren He Yi” (the unity of man and nature), and “Jin Shan Jin Mei” (the pursuit of perfection), the study meticulously analyzes specific instances of classical architectural layouts and spatial designs, providing a detailed exposition of the manifestation of “Ren”. Subsequently, it elucidates how Confucian aesthetic principles influence classical architecture by inheriting and developing the spirit of benevolence and adeptly applying an aesthetic consciousness of the unity of space and time. Simultaneously, the paper distinctly presents the profound insights of Confucian aesthetic principles on contemporary spatial design and societal development. This influence extends beyond the formal and structural aspects of architecture, permeating deeply into the cultural connotations embedded in architecture. It injects distinctive and valuable design wisdom into contemporary society, contributing not only to the comprehension of the cultural value of ancient architecture but also furnishing a novel framework for contemporary spatial design. In doing so, it offers concrete and far-reaching guidance for the construction of a harmonious society.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/assc.v6n1p29
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