Juggling Work and Studies: A Focused Study on Work-Life Balance and Well-being of Part-Time Student Workers

Raghid Ghassan El Ali, Khadija Kandil


In Lebanon, where social unrest, economic downturn, and political instability coexist, part-time workers and students have difficulties in balancing their personal, professional, and academic commitments. To understand how part-time students achieve work-life balance, this study examines work-related stress, flexible work schedules, productivity while working from home, supervisor and coworker support, and work-related characteristics among part-time employees who are also students in Lebanon. Data from a sample of part-time employees who are also students will be gathered using a quantitative survey approach in order to examine how these characteristics interact. In order to improve the academic performance and general well-being of part-time employees who are also students in Lebanon, the findings are intended to influence organizational practices, inform policy interventions, and contribute to the corpus of existing research on work-life balance.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/assc.v6n3p92


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