Breast Feeding Knowledge and Practices among Primiparous Women with Caesarean Section: Impact on Breast Engorgement in Upper Egypt

Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan, Galal Ahmed EL-Kholy, Aziza Ahmed Ateya, Amal Ahmed Hassan


Background: The benefits of breast milk are greatly enhanced if breastfeeding starts within one hour after birth. Hunan milk contains a host of dynamic and unique feeding properties. Breast engorgement is one of the most common minor discomforts confronting nursing women after delivery, especially Primiparous. The aim of the study was to investigate the breastfeeding knowledge and practices among primiparous women with a cesarean section and its impact on breast engorgement in Upper Egypt. The study was conducted in the postnatal unit of Beni-Suef University Hospital. The study design was a descriptive study. The type of sample was a simple random sample. The study comprised 90 Primiparous cesarean section mothers; suffer from breast engorgement. Tools of Data Collection were interview questionnaire sheet, knowledge assessment sheet, observational checklist, and engorgement assessment scale. The study revealed that the studied women’s knowledge and technique of breastfeeding were not adequate among the whole study sample. Breast engorgement was more prevalent among the younger, less educated, housewives, low social class’s women and those who were rural dwellers. Recommendation: Providing the mother with guidance and support on positioning and latching and modification of hospital practices are effective in reducing breast problems.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan, Galal Ahmed EL-Kholy, Aziza Ahmed Ateya, Amal Ahmed Hassan

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