The “Media” System and the Hidden Truth: Journalism Betrayed
Those wishing to re-read some of the editorials epitomising the cultural and social line of some major American and Italian newspaperswould see how far from the truth the mechanistically repeated news were, seemingly forgetting the facts, without the least self-criticism and with hypocritical malice because the events did not go as they had wanted In this way we are discovering the “fake. News”. The official and servile story seemed more geared to interests other than that which independent information should have. Honoré de Balzac rightly reminded us “History is of two kinds—there is the official history taught in schools, a lying compilation ad usumdelphini; and there is the secret history which deals with the real causes of events—a scandalous chronicle”, but it is in this that we must seek the facts and events we are witnessing. Thus, in some sort of video game and incapable of criticism, we end up hypnotized and subdued by the “big brother” Orwell described, by now unacceptable.
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