Generation Y: Evidences from the Fast-Fashion Market and Implications for Targeting

Mariachiara Colucci, Daniele Scarpi


This study, for the first time, empirically investigates the actual buying behaviour of Generation Yin a natural setting for fast-fashion consumption. The lack of external validity of existing research, conclusions based on convenience samples and artificial settings, affect the potential applications of previous findings. Conversely, we adopt an applied approach focusing on key variables in the field of consumer behaviour and compare Generation Y and Generation X in the same setting, along the same variables. We find that people in Generation Y are more prone to hedonism, use more word-of-mouth, are more willing to try novelties, are less price conscious and buy more expensive items, spending more money than the other age group. Although, their purchase behaviour in terms of frequency, repatronage intention and satisfaction are the same as Generation X; they also buy a comparable number of items. Our findings from the fast-fashion market help both academics and practitioners to target these consumers.

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