A Theoretical Framework for Strengthening Women “Employment” Opportunities in Digital Technologies in Saudi Arabia

Nailah Hassan Gadi


Digital technology is revolutionising employment, creating new job opportunities while disrupting traditional occupations. Few studies, however, have examined the impact of technology on women’s employment in developing countries. There is a scarcity of literature on employment opportunities arising from the digitalization of economies for women in Arab countries, especially in Saudi Arabia. In this study, the major theories suggesting the applications and construction of technological knowledge and skills for improving the prospects of women’s employment in digital technologies are presented. Numerous theories reviewed have emphasized the urgency of digital skills and competencies for enabling women to harness the job opportunities due to deployment of digital technologies, but they have not provided the mechanisms and ways to achieve the increased competencies and subsequently increased participation level in the labour markets in general, and in the labour market of Saudi Arabia in particular. Thus, the impact of digital technologies on the employment opportunities in digital technologies for women in Saudi Arabia need to be further assessed, since the unique political, social and economic characteristics of the state compound may contribute to employment opportunities and barriers against the successful participation of Saudi women in the labour market. This paper therefore highlights on the need for adoption of relevant approaches to address the research issue relating to the impact of digital technologies on the women’s employment in Saudi Arabia. This study should therefore serves as guide for identifying areas of research needs in relation to factors that are necessary for increasing women’s employment opportunities resulting from proliferation of digital technologies in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/jbtp.v10n1p7


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