The Fundamental Nature of Time

Christopher W. Tyler, Ph.D. D.Sc.


The nature of time is intimately bound up with the nature of energy propagation, which has a long history of its philosophical understanding. Here I propose a new post-Einsteinian view of the nature of time, conceptualized as the outcome of the pure unidimensional rate of change of a process through the infinitesimal operator of differential equations. In this view, time is a local property that is generated by every individual process in the Universe rather than a fundamental dimension in which processes operate. The rate of change has an inherent “arrow of time” that does not depend on the ensemble properties of multiple processes, such as the laws of entropy, but is inherent to the function of each process, by virtue of its genesis in the Big Bang. The conventional view of time may be approximated either by aggregating the operations of large ensembles of diverse processes, or by choosing a process (such as the Atomic Clock) that has demonstrably stable temporal properties. For processes that are sufficiently nonlinear, their iterative progression may in principle lead to solutions describable as fractals, for which the integral derivation of the time variable would fractionate into a form of fractal time.

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