An Overview of the Current State of Research on Immune Expression in Acupuncture for Insomnia Based on the Relationship between Sleep and Immunity
Sleep is a resting state under the action of the sleep-wake center, regulated by the nerve, endocrine and immune, and any change in the content of any of the substances involved in sleep may break the delicate balance between them, affecting the normal progression of sleep and thus insomnia. Cytokines are the common language signals of the three major systems of neuro-endocrine-immune, and play an important role in inflammation and immune response. Therefore, the relationship between insomnia and immune factors has also become a hot research topic in recent years. A large number of studies have shown that acupuncture has a clear regulatory effect on immune function, so based on the relationship between sleep and immunity to acupuncture treatment of insomnia as an entry point, to explore the current status of immune research on acupuncture treatment of insomnia, in order to provide certain thinking for the integration of in-depth research afterward.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Xugang Zhang, Xue Yang, Fang Wang, Yongfeng Li
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