Special Behaviors in One Pedestrian Flow Experiment

Junlan Chen, Wei Wei, Jinlian Wu


We organize one pedestrian flow experiment with 278 participants, and the maximum density reaches 9 ped/(m^2). The experiment is filmed by one UAV, and in the experimental video, we find some interesting behaviors. Five types of these behaviors are classified and introduced: 1) oppression near the boundaries; 2) impact on the boundaries; 3) special moves; 4) absentmindedness; 5) other events. The numbers of Type 1 and 2 behaviors can be counted, while the frequencies of Type 3 and 4 behaviors can be roughly estimated. At one critical density, the results of Type 1, 2, 3, 4 behaviors qualitatively change. This value is about 7~8 ped/(m^2), which indicates the possible existence of critical phenomena in pedestrian flow.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjssr.v4n3p243


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Copyright (c) 2017 Junlan Chen, Wei Wei, Jinlian Wu

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