Sample Size Guideline for Correlation Analysis

Mohamad Adam Bujang, Nurakmal Baharum


Correlation analysis is a common statistical analysis in various fields. The aim is usually to determine to what extent two numerical variables are correlated with each other. One of the issues that are important to be considered before conducting any correlation analysis is to plan for the sufficient sample size. This is to ensure, the results that to be derived from the analysis be able to reach a desired minimum correlation coefficient value with sufficient power and desired type I error or p-value. Sample size estimation for correlation analysis should be in line with the study objective. Researchers who are not statistician need simpler guideline to determine the sufficient sample size for correlation analysis. Therefore, this study aims to tabulate tables that show sample size calculation based on desired correlation coefficient, power and type 1 error (p-value) values. Moving towards that, simpler guidelines are proposed to estimate sufficient sample size requirements in different scenarios.

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