Unravelling the Link between Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship for Wealth Creation

Lema C. Forje


This paper argues that a conflation between science and entrepreneurship can improve business activities, people’s welfare, stimulate economic development as well as provide science with new research avenues. Invaluable feedback from businesses will provide science with more creative ideas that will lead to more business creation and development. Mole and Ram (2012) discusses the difference between science and entrepreneurship how they can work together to foster economic development. Data is collected from a total of 100 interviewees: 42 entrepreneurs, 5 scientists 50 randomly selected consumers of various goods in the Bamenda environment and 3 engineers. The study concludes that business is responsible for bringing scientific discoveries and technological inventions that improves human wellbeing to the market. It therefore recommends that, the creation of an entrepreneurship centre that enables scientists, businesspeople and technologists to come together and discuss how they can well use their knowledge for scientific and more business opportunity discoveries. It emphasises the role of accountability, effective management, organisation participation and entrepreneurial marketing for profitable and sustainable business progress.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjssr.v9n2p1


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