Is Global Warming All about Technological Issues?

Jan-Erik Lane


When the COP21 project is analysed with economic and social science models, then one arrives at profound pessimism about the prospects of implementation success. The basic Wildavsky gulf between policy promises and real life implementation outcomes is bound to plague the efforts at coordination to halt the climate change process. The natural sciences have dominated the global warming debate, but it is time to start examining the problematic of delivering great transformation of energy systems to stem the anthropogenic causes of global warming through the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). The erection of the Super Fund is a necessity for avoiding decision paradoxes like PD games, sub-optimisation and second best solutions. Without massive financial assistance, there will occur widespread reneging on the COP21 objectives (Goal I-III). The system of United Nations Climate Change Conferences, yearly conferences held in the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), does not offer an organization that is up to the coordination tasks involved in halting climate change.

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