Taliban Rule in Afghanistan—Impact on India-Afghanistan Relations

Aafreen Manzoor


This paper emphasizes on the Taliban rule with its impact on the relationship between India and Afghanistan. This paper is based on the empirical study already provided by the professed researchers. This paper tries to make an understanding to the general public with regard to the Taliban rule, its historical perspective and the steps taken by the Indian government for furtherance of the relationship between the two nations.

The current study was based on pre articulated policies and programmes conducted for the understanding of the relationship between India and Afghanistan. Therefore, the study was entirely based on secondary data. The secondary data pertaining to the Taliban rule in Afghanistan with the impact on India- Afghanistan relations has been collected from various published books, journals, dissertations and Internet. The data was analysed and modified for deriving meaningful conclusion regarding the impact on India -Afghanistan relations due to the Taliban rule in Afghanistan.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/ape.v5n2p1


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