A Journey to Healing Pain: Trauma Writing of Charlie Gordon in Flowers for Algernon

Yi Shi


Flowers for Algernon, first published in 1959, is a novel written by the American writer Daniel Keyes. It tells the story of Charlie Gordon’s journey from having an intellectual disability to gaining extraordinary intelligence, as well as his regression when one experimental procedure starts to goes wrong. “Trauma” is a marked theme in the work, which plays a vital role in portraying characters and developing plots. In the light of trauma theory, this essay puts a focus on the relationship between trauma and the individual, and author of this paper argues that family and society are two major roots in imposing misery upon the protagonist. With the interference of technology, trauma is rediscovered and represented by his confusion, maladjustment, and rage. Ultimately, he treats it through finding himself, building connections with others, and doing contributions to the society. It is concluded that based on writing the trauma of the intelligently disabled, Keyes vividly communicates his concerns on then further revealing the theme of science and technology, goodness, and wisdom.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/elsr.v5n4p76


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