Integration of Accounting Education, Research and Practice, A Burning Issue in India

Pradip Kumar Das


Ambient for accounting education has metamorphosed and resolute young challenges have dawned on the matter due to liberalization. Sociological, technological and economic changes badly impact accounting practice and cogitations. Therefore, accounting education needs licit contemplation in this novel scenario. Accountancy research at doctorate in India is quite exiguous. There is also insufficient synergism among accounting education, research and practice. These diversities postulate the essentials of integration between accounting education, research and practice in consilience of the greatlier sustainable development. Accounting education behooves paradigm swing in exordium apropos accounting teaching, research and practice. This paper contemplates the calamity issues of accounting education, research and practice in India musing the changing economic context of business and industry and backing that the subject is appropriated in fidelity by the bloom yawping for technical subjects.

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