Directions for Inproving the Invertment Environment and Increasing the Efficiency of Investment Projects

Mukhamadzhanov S. Shakhriyor


This article reflects the results of the research conducted within the framework of determining directions for increasing the attractiveness of the investment environment of the regions. In the first part of the study, the scientific-theoretical foundations of increasing the attractiveness of the investment environment, including the content of categories closely related to each other such as “investment environment”, “investment climate” and “attractiveness of the investment environment” by scientists of the national investment policy school, as well as the scientific- theoretical views are explored. In the second part of the article, directions for increasing the efficiency of investment projects in the regions, including the analysis of investment projects in the Youth Industrial and Entrepreneurship Zones in Uzbekistan, and the possibilities of using financial incentives to increase the attractiveness of the investment environment of the regions, including the methods of granting tax and customs incentives and recommendations for increasing their efficiency, are developed.

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