Improving the Bitola Aerodrome Category through the Ana Lazarovska’s, Codex on the Sustainable Aerodrome Development “Parallel to Leonardo da Vinci’s, Codex on the Flight of Birds”
Parallel with the global increase in air traffic for better aerodrome coverage in the Republic of Macedonia, sustainable growth of the aerodrome “Logovardi” in the vicinity of Bitola city is necessary. At present conditions, this aerodrome is intended for sport, pilot school, sightseeing, and medical urgency flights. The paper is presenting sustainable development according to Ana Lazarovska’s notebook and parallel to Leonardo da Vinci’s notebook. “Codex on the sustainable aerodrome development” is written parallel to the “Codex on the flight of birds” and is left for all engineers who are working with aerodrome infrastructure. The proposed notebook works with the process of „step by step” showing the necessary level of category development and improvement of the present aerodrome infrastructure in this article for Bitola aerodrome. The main focus is on the equilibrium theory as a basic solution for related problems. The evaluation must satisfy the possibilities of extension runway and aerodrome including the further necessary development into the Annex 14 border.
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