A Hilly Primary School Teacher’s Life: Supports, Challenges and Aspirations

Abdullah Al Mamun


This article is an outcome of a qualitative study that aimed to explore professional as well as personal life of a primary school teacher in hilly area of Bangladesh. This study investigated organisation of a teacher’s life along in remote area with the type of supports she gets from her family and school for professional development, sort of barriers and challenges s/he faces in teaching profession and kind of future plan and aspiration she keeps with teaching. The study was conducted following ethnographic style of research. To carry out the investigation a school teacher of a hilly primary school of Rangamati, Bangladesh was selected purposively. Data for the study were gathered by shadowing the teacher for consecutive three days; all her activities were observed for consequently three days from beginning to end of school hour. After each day of observation, a semi-structured interview was conducted with the teacher for collecting more professional and personnel information and clarification on the activities observed. Finding of the study revealed that even after facing many challenges to survive in teaching profession with having insufficient supports and facilities a teacher of a rural hilly area might aspire to contribute significantly in this greatest profession.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/jetss.v1n1p40


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