Driving and Advanced Age
Background: Advanced aged people continue to use their vehicles, utlising them for a wide variety of purposes. Within that age group female drivers from both New Zealand Maori and non-Maori are predominantly noticeable.
Method: Following the first wave of the LiLAC Study the present study examined the results of the Transport and Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living sub-sections involving New Zealand Maori aged between 75-95 years and non-Maori participants only aged 85 years. Questions asked of the recipients involved whether they had ever driven, did the still drive, how often and how far they drove in a typical week; and why they drove. Analysis of the results were conducted using a scaled questionnaire, binomial logistic regression, chi-square tests for association, ordinal logistic regression and descriptive analysis.
Results: Participant number totalled 931 with 421 New Zealand Maori and 510 New Zealand Maori non-Maori.
New Zealand Maori: Nearly double the number of females had ever driven. Of those who do drive both male (73) and female (69) indicated that they did, although females also offered the service of driving to both family and non-family members. Females also presented 1.028 higher odds of having ever driven a car. However, as New Zealand Maori aged a reduction in having ever driven was shown in the results (0.688). Typical weekly use of the car by New Zealand Maori males was grouped (p-value = 0.063), whereas female Maori took the car out daily. Increase in age was found not to be associated with how often New Zealand Maori drove. The odds ratio of Maori males was greater than that of females (p-value = 0.463), similarly with age (p-value = 0.192). In comparison both male and female covered a wide distance, although most noticeable were ones made 1.5-25 kilometres.
New Zealand non-Maori: New Zealand non-Maori like New Zealand Maori females were also in the majority as to the number having ever driven. Of those still driving a higher number of males (154) compared to female (136) non-Maori were shown to be still driving. However, unlike New Zealand Maori, none of the non-Maori indicated that they offered their driving services to someone else. Typical weekly driving scores between male and female were not statistically significant different (p = 0.201). Median driving distances for male and female were the same (3.00).
A varied use of the car was apparent by both New Zealand Maori and non-Maori.
Conclusion: Maintaining independence is of primary concern to both New Zealand Maori and non-Maori. To enable this population group to remain as a contributing part of their community further research is required into their decision making, the licensing procedure and surrounding support facilities.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/sssr.v3n2p119
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