Influence of Family Supervision and Peer Pressure on Female Students Behavior in Public Secondary Schools: A study conducted in Ubungo Municipality, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Young female students are often torn between family supervision, which can be positive or negative, and peer pressure to conform to the pressures on life decisions and behavior orientation as they grow up and learn. Little is known as to how they cope especially in a large city and with the media influence they face. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences on female students’ behaviour (focusing on family supervision and peer pressure) in public secondary schools. Specifically, the study intended to determine the nature of family supervision and peer pressure among female students; to identify the main forms of behavioural issues that affect female students’ learning; and to find out in what ways family and peer pressure influences female students’ behaviour focusing on time management, work habits and truancy. The study has used a descriptive research design employing questionnaires and interview guides to collect data from a sample of 133 students, 50 teachers, 10 parents and 4 school heads. Qualitative data [mainly interviews with students, parents and teachers] collected were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques while quantitative data from a questionnaire used descriptive statistics approach. The study found that parents, school environment, peers and school management have both negative and positive effects on female students’ behaviour inside and outside school. It has also revealed that some students learn bad behaviour from their homes and community with some of the friends influencing to affect their academic performance. The most predominant disciplinary cases among female students were involvement in sexual relationships while schooling. The study concluded that parental supervision and teacher-parents coordination is essential in providing learning support to female students. The study recommends that administering corporal punishment in school should focus on shaping childrens’ behaviour rather than cause psychological torture. Frequent seminars and meetings between students and teachers on the importance of schooling are essential in raising awareness. Additionally, schools may invite experts from a government institution or private organization responsible for transforming students’ behaviour who will talk to students about adolescence and its social impact. Owners and managers of schools should establish a friendly schooling environment that promotes and enhance the teaching and learning process. Schools should be fenced to avoid external interactions and prevent truancy.
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