Hebraic Influences in The Life of Lazarillo de Termes
The focus of this article is the impact of the Hebrew language with its literature, philosophy, biblical exegesis, and history on the sixteenth century anonymous author of The Life of Lazarillo de Termes. I assumed the task of investigating the Jewish cultural heritage embedded in this work, as my studies in Hebrew Language and Literature could contribute towards a fuller comprehension of this masterpiece. And indeed, in addition to linguistic and biblical associations, I have detected influences that appear inspired by the monumental works of medieval Jewish Spanish theologians and philosophers⸻ Hisada Crescas, Maimonides, Nahman ides, and Joseph Albo in particular. I invite the reader to share and comment on this analysis.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjeh.v6n1p101
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