An Exploration of MALL for Enhancing College Students’ Oral English Proficiency

Xinyue Zhao


Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) has emerged as a promising tool within language education, presenting distinctive prospects for enhancing oral proficiency. This paper starts off by analyzing the current status of oral English learning among college-level English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners in China in such aspects as syllabus emphasis, classroom dynamics, examination focus, and language anxiety. It then shifts focus to MALL and its potential to enhance students’ English speaking skills, particularly in a flexible and self-paced manner. Through a synthesis of existing studies and the proposition of effective pedagogical strategies, this paper seeks to elucidate the transformative capacity of MALL in reshaping oral English learning experiences within higher education contexts. Furthermore, practical recommendations for language educators, curriculum designers, and college students are provided to adapt oral English teaching methodologies, thereby fostering a more efficient and learner-centered language learning environment.

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