The Islamic Feminism Object-Oriented and The Postcolonial Frameshift Mutation in the Intercommunicating Postmodernism Frame of Reference In Nawal El Saadawi’s The Fall Of The Imam



One of the most striking outcomes, one can see through the run of Nawal El Saadawi’s The Fall Of The Imam, is that the feminine reflexive consciousness within the feminine self becomes at the same time, the subject and the object of her inner being, and her straight apperception. Therefore, by moving away from the phallocentric traditional nominalism, the notion of equity that sustains the feminine reflexive consciousness involves a new method of politico-theological discourse and defines a neo-politico-fiction and scientific perception. In this realm, the feminine focus on the essence of al-ta’aruf and al-tafakhur exhibits a feminine psycho-affective that involves itself in the long-male reserved Tawhidic sphere, in perspective to embody the performativity and the ethic of Khalifah. Correspondingly, throughout psychobiological and psychodynamic interoperability, the feminine reflexive consciousness opens the sphere of familiarizing the feminine-self progressive intellectualization of sensation and the reflexive production of values and rhythms with the meta-cultural and moral interpretation of the Islamic texts. In effect, by accentuating their phallocentric-designated avatar of fitna, the feminine reflexive consciousness disperses the Muslim conservative object-relation normativism.

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