Crucial Strategies to Solve Communicative Breakdown
English has increasingly become international language for business and commerce, science and technology, international relations and diplomacy. Due to this fact, the purpose of learning a foreign language is communication. Through communication, people send and receive messages and negotiate meaning. Communication has different forms and takes place in different situations. People communicate to satisfy their needs. Heterogeneous interaction is carried out by a native speaker and a non-native one in the purpose of exchanging of ideas, information between two or more individuals. There is usually, at least one speaker or sender, a message which transmitted, and an individual or individuals for whom this message is intended. Communication breakdowns may happen to anybody communicating in a language other than their dominating language. This problem, surely, can be solved but how? The primary aim of this article is to investigate the heterogeneous communication process in the terms of possible breakdown which happens to all people while communicating, so that they are unable to get their messages across express what they mean and what they understand. The author highlights crucial strategies toward solving these disruptions.
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