Interactive Teaching Methodologies

Mansi Sachan


The meaning of education is changing day by day. Teaching and Learning process has been changing over the time, parents are now looking for quality and not quantity. In the traditional method of teaching the teacher was the sender and the students was the receiver. The teacher used to come in the class teach and leave. But as the world is evolving day by day, education system is changing too. Now, the teachers believe in interactive method more than the same old basic traditional method. The main purpose of the educational strategy has changed because now it is mainly focusing on turning students into informed, responsible being, who are well aware of the critical thinking facts and being who can be loyal toward their country. In order to motivate learning among students the teachers are trying different methods to keep their classes interactive because a student’s learns faster with the learning by doing method. Interactive method of teaching is one of the best method of teaching as through these communicative methods the students engage more, retain better information and learn faster.

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