Swedish Preschool Teachers Perspectives on Multilingual Children’s Emergent Literacy Development
This study is a part of a small research project designed as action research project. The aim of this study in which six preschool teachers participated in focus group interviews, is to increase understanding about preschool teachers’ didactic work to create conditions for multilingual children’s emergent literacy development in preschool. The preschool teachers’ descriptions show that multilingualism is seen as part of everyday life and not for specific occasions. In the analysis of the preschool teachers’ statements, four important conditions for literacy development emerge; learning environment, language practices, text practices and play activities. In terms of support for multilingual children, preschool teachers say that cooperation with parents has a significant role for children’s emergent literacy development.
This study highlights the importance of paying attention to multilingual children’s emergent literacy processes already in preschool.Full Text:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjer.v5n1p1
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