Teachers Challenges and Coping Mechanisms in Educating Learners with Disabilities among Some Selected Special Needs Units in Mombasa County, Kenya
Inclusion of children with disability in the special units has been a great challenge in many counties in Kenya. One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to give all Children Living with Disability (CLWD) the opportunity to participate in the least restrictive environment. However, teachers in special units face a myriad of drawbacks in handling children with disabilities in the special units. This paper addresses challenges and mitigation as viewed by the teachers working in those special units. Purposive sampling was used to sample 50 respondents (teachers). Data was collected using interviews, Focused Group Discussions (FDG) and digital recorder. Descriptive data analysis method yielded results indicating that one of the major challenges teachers faced is the in efficiency of training capacity of teachers due to various disabilities children face and this spills over to inadaptability of the curriculum. Teachers have mitigated individual based education programme as a coping mechanism.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjer.v5n1p52
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