Student Self-Assessment in Primary and Secondary Education in Greece and Internationally

Anastasia Papanthymou, Maria Darra


The present study is a review of 36 empirical studies in Primary and Secondary Education, in Greece and internationally and aims at investigating: a) the benefits of student self-assessment, b) the contribution of self-assessment to the development of students’ skills to accurately self-assess. Moreover, this study presents the factors that affect student self-assessment ability. According to the main findings, self-assessment has been investigated more in Secondary Education. Furthermore, self-assessment has positive effects mainly on performance and learning in both secondary and primary students. Self-assessment ability and the factors that influence this ability have mainly investigated on Secondary Education with clearer and more positive findings, whereas there is a lack of research in Primary Education. In Greece, it was found only one study in Secondary Education that examines the issue of self-assessment ability with positive conclusions for students. Factors that contribute to the accuracy of student self-assessment in Secondary Education are the use of a video-based modeling examples, the observation of a human model engaging in self-assessment by students, the use of scripts and the training of students in self- and peer-assessment, whereas in Primary Education the social status, training and guidance in self-assessment and the entrance examinations affect self-assessment ability.

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