The Role of Training Program in Administrative Creativity Achievement among Schools Principals of Directorate of Education in Tafila Governorate from Their Perspective

Mohammad Salem Al-Amarat


The study aimed to recognize the role of training program in administrative creativity achievement among schools principals of directorate of education in Tafila Governorate from their perspective. The population and the sample consisted of (83) male and female principals. The survey descriptive approach was used, and a questioner for data collection was used after checking validity and reliability. The result indicated that the role of training program in administrative creativity achievement among schools principals of directorate of education in Tafila Governorate from their perspective. Came with a high degree with mean of (3.54), and there are no statistically significant difference due to the variables of experience, gender, and training course. The result also showed that there are no statistically significant differences attributed to the variable of school level in favor of secondary school. The research recommended that the ministry of education should intrude qualitative training programs for principals to enable them in administrative creativity achievement and to keep up with development.

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