Teaching Reform and Practice of Ideological and Political Education in the Course of Automotive Engine Principles

Xiaodan Lin, Shaohui Ma, Bin Zhang*


The course of automobile engine principle is the foundation of vehicle professional learning. The professional knowledge and innovative value contained in the course is an effective carrier to realize moral education.This paper puts forward the implementation plan of "one center and two main lines", which is centered on promoting morality and cultivating people.Four modules, "Engine performance and cycle", "Engine ventilation", "engine fuel and combustion", "Engine characteristics and car matching", are taken as the main line of knowledge teaching."socialist core values, feelings for the family and the country, craftsman spirit, innovative thinking" as the main line of ideological and political education.At the same time, based on the network teaching platform, the whole process of before-class, in-class and after-class teaching is realized.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjer.v11n3p44


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