Exploration of the Reform of Multi subject Co construction Data Structure Experiment Course under the Mixed Teaching Mode

Y. R. LI, C. Y. Wen, J. C. ZHAO, X. L. GUAN


In response to the high complexity of algorithm courses and the difficulty for students to understand, this paper focuses on the data structure experimental course and proposes a multi subject co construction data structure experimental course reform strategy under the blended teaching mode. The article first explores the problems in the content and methods of practical courses, and then proposes reform measures in teaching modes, teaching systems, and teaching methods. At the same time, on the basis of school enterprise cooperation, design differentiated experimental projects, teach students according to their aptitude, and strive for a student-centered teaching model, collaborative assistance to complete the role exchange between teaching and learning.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjer.v11n3p53


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