User Engagement in Gamified Online Learning System
The study in this research has demonstrated the effectiveness of gamification in changing user behavior and improving user engagement from a psychological perspective. To achieve that, gamification features are integrated in an Online Learning (OL) system. The study is based on self-determination theory, which states that people are motivated to grow and change when three innate psychological needs: competence, autonomy, and relevance are satisfied. Gamification features that can positively support psychological needs are identified through various literature studies and implemented in OL systems. Hence this research is based on a design-based approach in which a tool is developed to observe different behaviors and activities of the students and measure the user engagement directly from the user interactions in an OL system. The results suggest that two psychological needs: competence and relatedness are the main determinants of engagement. The findings suggest that students showed significant user engagement in a gamified OL system. Instructors, students, and researchers (working in the area for improving OL systems) are highly benefited by this research.
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