Oral & Dental Health Knowledge and Attitude among Nursing Students
Objectives: Investigate knowledge of oral health and oral diseases and attitudes about oral health care education among students of nursing, and willingness of students to introduce such training into their curriculum.
Methods: A cross sectional survey study was done on Jordan university nursing students using a questionnaire testing knowledge and attitude.
Results: 184 students completed questionnaires, for a response rate of 92%. No special modules were for the students. Poor knowledge score was obtained with score of 46% in general oral health, 48% in pediatric dentistry questions, 43% in dentistry related to systemic diseases questions. 90% of students believe that oral health care is a high priority and consider treatment in the oral cavity as much important as treatment in other parts of the body with 80% of students think that it is necessary to obtain Oral health curriculum education with appropriate curriculum competence level assessment Approximately 85% would like to obtain more Oral health curriculum education and to implement Oral Health Curriculum activities during their training and career.
Conclusions: Oral and dental health knowledge level was poor among nursing students. There is a need for oral and dental health structured training to be incorporated in the curriculum of nursing students at university level.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjer.v3n2p238
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