Entrepreneurship Education in Bhutan: Perception, Culture and Challenges
The present study was undertaken to determine the perception of Bhutanese students towards entrepreneurship and the influence of entrepreneurship in their career choice by a team of lecturers from Samtse College of Education and a teacher from the Samtse Higher Secondary School. It was a multifaceted research involving survey, interviews, focus group interviews and document analysis. The samples include 921 students [19 diploma, 248 undergraduate, 654 school students (460=HSS & 194=MSS)], currently studying in the schools, colleges and VTIs under Samtse, Chhukha and Thimphu Dzongkhags. The major findings include: perception of students is inclined more towards entrepreneurship second to government jobs, students and parents are aware of the increasing unemployment scenario in Bhutan, minimal focus on entrepreneurship education in the school and university level curriculum, and the pedagogical practices doesnot adequately favour entrepreneurship knowledge and skill development. Some of the recommendations are a need to include entrepreneurship education in the school curriculum right from primary education, and to disseminate information related to entrepreneurship among students in all the schools and colleges.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/wjer.v3n2p460
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