Early Word Productions in 8 to 12 Month Old Typically Developing Malayalam Learning Children: An Exploratory Study

Dr. Reeny Roy, Dr. Sreedevi. N


Infants start to vocalize recognizable words at an early age. Early linguistic interactions with the parents and caregivers is certainly important to establish these early linguistic abilities. Some word like forms do appear to have meaningful correlation with the infants primary language. With this reference, it is essential to investigate the early word productions during the babbling phase to their first word productions. The present paper highlights on the occurrence of early word productions in 8 to 12month old infants in Malayalam language. The participants consisted of 20 typically developing native speaking Malayalam infants. Vihman and McCune’s (1994) criteria was utilized to determine the early words after the audio recordings were carried out and transcribed. The transcribed data was analyzed in IPA to acquire the frequency of the early word productions.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/eltls.v1n1p53


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